Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Medicinal Plants free essay sample
Here are the list of Medicinal Plants that can be found here in the Philippines : AKAPULKO Scientific name : Casia Alata Other name : Ringworm Bush, Kasitas (Bik. , Bis. ) Treats skin diseases like Tinea infections,ringworms,eczema,scabies and insect bites. USE AND PREPARATION: Pound enough fresh leaves; express (squeeze out) the juice and apply on the affected skin morning and evening. Improvement should be noticed after 2 3 weeks of treatment. You can also boil the leaves and two glass of water, and wash the affected area 2x a day. AMPALAYA Scientific name: Momordia Charantia English name: Bitter Melon Help aleviates various ailments like Diabetis, liver problems, cough and fever ,treatment for intestinal worms and diarrhea. Aids in lowering blood sugar level and lowers blood pressure. USE AND PREPARATION: Juice amplaya leaves and drink a spoonful a day. Steam ampalaya tops (upper four leaves) and eat half a cup twice daily. As a decoction, boil six tablespoons of finely chopped leaves in two glasses of water over low fire (for 15 minutes). Drink 1/3 cup, three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Dont use aluminum pots (clay or enamel only). ATIS Scientific name: Anona Squamosa L. English name: Sugar Apple Treats dysentery, diarrhea and fainting. USE AND PREPARATION: Crushed leaves are for dizziness and fainting. Boil the bark of atis ,and drink for diarrhea. Boiling of leaves treats cold ,fever and dysentery. Salted bruised leaves used to hasten suppuration. Bark decoction is used as tonic and to stop diarrhea. Root has purgative action. Leaf decoction used for rheumatic baths to alleviate pain. For fainting and hysteria, crush fresh leaves and place over nose. For infected insect bites, pound and extract the juice from one unripe fruit and apply the juice directly to the affected areas, 3 times daily. For lice infestation of the head, atis has a herbal treatment regimen: (1) Shampoo hair with gugo bark or any commercial shampoo daily for one week; with suyod combing twice daily. (2) For lice eggs (nits), apply hot vinegar for half an hour after shampooing; then suyod (fine combing) thoroughly. (3) Bedtime, pound 1/2 cup of atis seeds and mix with 1/4 cup of oil. Apply mixture thoroughly to the scalp and hair. Wrap the hair and head overnight. Shampoo in the morning and follow with fine tooth combing. Do daily for 3-5 days. (4) Paste of the crushed seeds in water, applied to the scalp. The same used as abortifacient applied to the os uteri. BANABA Scientific name: Lagerstromia speciosa English name: Giant crape myrtle, Queens Crape-myrtle, Banaba Plant, Pride of India Aids in cure of diabetes, ease urination, fights obesity, and blood pressure control. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil banaba leaves and drink like tea. Decoction of leaves of all ages used for diabetes mellitus. Some physicians believe the dried fruit decoction to be better. Roots have been used for a variety of stomach ailments. Leaf decoction for diabetes; also use as a diuretic and purgative. Decoction of old leaves and dried fruit (dried from one to two weeks), 50 gms to a pint of boiling water, 4 to 6 cups daily has been used for diabetes. Old leaves and ripe fruit are preferred, believed to have greater glucose lowering effect. Young leaves and flowers have a similar effect, though only 70% that of matures leaves and fruits. The wood has no known glucose lowering effect; the bark, a very small amount. A decoction of 20 gms of old leaves or dried fruit in 100 cc of water was found to have the equivalent effect to that of 6 to 7. 7 units of insulin. In Pahang decoction of bark has been used for the treatment of diarrhea. The bark, flowers and leaves used to facilitate bowel movements. Decoction of fruits or roots gargled for aphthous stomatitis. Decoction of leaves and flowers used for fevers and as diuretic. Leaf decoction or infusion used for bladder and kidney inflammation, dysuria, and other urinary dysfunctions. Seeds considered to have narcotic properties; also employed against aphthae. BAYABAS Scientific name: Psidium guajava English name: Guava Has antiseptic properties and helps to heal wounds, it has strong concentration of vitamin A and C. Helps cure diarrhea. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil bayabas leaves, and wash it to wound. Eating of the fruits helps aid diarrhea, to much consumption of it will cause constipation. For diarrhea, boil for 15 minutes 4 to 6 tablespoons of chopped leaves in 18 ounces of water. Strain and cool. Drink 1/4 of the decoction every 3 4 hours. Bark used internally for chronic diarrhea of children and adults half an ounce of the bark or root bark in six ounces of water is boiled down to 3 ounces, and given in teaspoon doses. Also used for prolapsus ani of children. Leaf extract used in skin whitening products. Decoction of root bark also used as mouthwash for swollen gums. For toothache, chew 2-3 young leaves and put into the tooth cavity. For nosebleeds, densely roll the bayabas leaves and place into the nostril cavity. BAWANG Scientificname: Allium Sativum English name: Garlic Reduces cholesterol level, known to have antibiotic properties. Helps lower blood preassure. USE AND PREPARATION: Eat 2 to 3 cloves after every meal. In the Philippines, bulbs used for hypertension. Also used as diuretic, and eaten fresh or burned for coughs in children. Arthritis, rheumatism, toothaches: Crush several cloves and rub on affected areas. Crush clove applied to both temples as poultice for headache. Crush garlic or cut clove crosswise and rub directly to areas of insect bites. Decoction of leaves and bulbs for fever and as hypotensive, carminative, expectorant, and antihelmintic. Juice from freshly crushed garlic used for colds, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, asthma and bronchitis. Decoction use for tonsillitis. Steam inhalation of chopped garlic and a teaspoon of vinegar in boiling water used for nasal congestion. Also used for menstrual cramps. Used for digestive problems and gastrointestinal spasms. Infusion of a peeled broiled clove used for gas pains. Juice of bulb with common salt applied to bruises and sprains; also used for neuralgia and earache. Rubbed over ringworm for soothing effect. GUMAMELA Scientific name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn English name: Rose mallow As herbal medicine, gumamela flower, leaves and roots are used. Gumamela has the following medicinal characteristics: expectorant, diuretic, emollient, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anodyne and refrigerant. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil gumamela to1/4 water for Bronchitis, cough, fever, urinary and bladder infection, high blood pressure and constipation. In the Philippines, flower buds, beaten to a paste, applied as poultice to boils, cancerous swellings, and mumps. Mumps, infection of the urinary tract: use dried drug materials 15 to 30 gms, boil to decoction and drink. Decoction of roots, barks, leaves and flowers used as an emollient. Decoction from roots of red and white-flowered plants is a Kelantan antidote for poison. Same decoction is drunk for venereal diseases and fevers. Decoction of roots also used for coughs. Decoction of flowers and or roots used as natural diuretic. Bark is an emmenagogue; also used to normalize menstruation. Infusion or poultice of leaves used for headaches. Decoction of root used as drops for sore eyes. Seeds used as a stimulant and for cramps. Decoction of leaves for fevers. For headaches, an infusion of leaves or poultice of leaves. Leaves are mildly laxative. Mucilage applied during labor. LAGUNDI Scientific name: Vitex negundo English name: Five leaved chaste tree Relief for asthma, treats cough,fever,cold and flu. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil chopped leaves and drink 4x a day. Decoction of leaves used externally for cleaning ulcers and internally for flatulence. Also used as a lactagogue and emmenagogue. Decoction of bark, tops and leaves used as antigastralgic. Leaves used in aromatic baths; also as insectifuge. Vapor bath prepared with the plant used for treatment of febrile, catarrhal, and rheumatic affections. Decoction of leaves used as warm bath by women suffering with after-pains in the puerperal period. Also used as baths for new born children. Seeds are boiled in water and eaten or the water drunk to prevent the spread of toxin from bites of poisonous animals. Infusion of seeds used for disinfecting wounds and ulcers. Pounded leaves applies on the forehead and temples for headaches. Leaf decoction for fever, headache, toothache, cough, asthma. Root used as tonic, febrifuge and expectorant. Fruit used as nervine, cephalic, and emmenagogue. Tincture of root bark used for irritable bladder and for rheumatism. Powdered root used for piles as demulcent; also for dysentery. Root used for dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, worms, boils, and leprosy. Flowers are used for diarrhea, cholera, fever, and diseases of the liver; and also as cardiac tonic. Powdered flowers and stalks are used for bleeding from the stomach and bowels. Fruit used for headaches, catarrh, and watery eyes. Dried fruits are used as vermifuge. Seeds are prepared as cooling mediing for skin diseases, leprosy, and inflammation of the mouth. Oil prepared with the juice used for sinuses and scrofulous sores. Oil also used as a rubbing application to glandular or tubercular swelliings of the neck. Oil also used for treatment of sloughing wounds and ulcers. Leaves used for reducing inflammatory and rheumatic swellings of the joints and testicular swelling associated with gonorrheal epididymitis and orchitis. Poultice of leaves also applied to sprained limbs, contusions, leech bites, etc. For these, fresh leaves in an earthen pot are heated over fire, and applied and applied as tolerated over the bruised parts. Leaves heated over fire are also applied with oil externally on wounds. Pillow stuffed with leaves is placed under the head for relief of catarrh and headache. Dried leaves when smoked also used to relieve catarrh and headaches. Decoction of leaves and long pepper used for catarrhal fever associated with head congestion and dullness of hearing. Juice of leaves used to remove fetid discharges and worms from ulcers. Plaster of leaves applied to enlarged spleens. Folkloric preparations: (1) For fever and toothaches, boil 6 tbsp of the chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes; strain and cool. Divide the decoction in 3 parts and take one part every 3-4 hours. Also, bruised leaves may be applied to forehead. (2) For asthma and cough: Take 1/4 of the decoction three times a day. (3) Aromatic bath or sponge bathing: Boil 4 handfuls of leaves in a pot of water for 5 minutes; use the lukewarm decoction for sponge bathing. In Ayurveda and Unani, leaves and seeds used for rheumatism and joint inflammation. Decoction of leaves taken as a diuretic. In Bangladesh, used for headaches, weakness, vomiting, malaria black fever. In Indo-China, root decoction used for intermittent fevers. In Sri Lanka, used for eye disease, toothache, rheumatism; used as tonic, carminative and vermifuge. Others Insecticide: Leaves considered insecticide and placed between pages of books and folds of silk and woolen clothing to preserve them from insects. Dyeing: Ashes much used as alkali in dyeing. Recent Use Lagundi has been proven to be an effective analgesic and antitussive (prepared as a pleasant tasting cough syrup) and has been considered as a replacement for dextromethorphan in the public health system. New Application Studies have shown benefit through reduction of coughing and relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscles. Being promoted by the Department of Health (DOH) for cough and asthma. One of a few herbs recently registered with the Bureau of Foods and Drugs (BFAD) as medicines. How to make lagundi syrup â⬠¢ Clean fresh lagund leaves and chop. â⬠¢ In 4 glasses of water, boil 4 tablespoons of minced lagundi leaves for 15 minutes. â⬠¢ Strain the liquid extract and add 1 part honey to 4 parts extracts. â⬠¢ Boil in an earthen pot or enamel-lined saucepan for 15 minutes until the desired viscosity is attained; cool. â⬠¢ Pour the syrup in clear amber-colored bottles. LUYA Scientific name: Zinniger Officinale English name: Ginger Known for its antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, diuretic and antiseptic properties. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil ginger in water and drink. For rheumatism, pound ginger and apply to the affected area. Mixed with oil for easy application. In the Philippines, pounded rhizome, alone or mixed with oil, used as revulsive and antirheumatic. As antiseptic, tincture of dried rhizome prepared with 70% alcohol (not rubbing alcohol) and applied on superficial cuts and wounds; or, juice from fresh rhizome used similarly. As digestive aid and for flatulence and tympanism, decoction of the rhizome drunk as tea. Ginger juice rubbed on and around the navel is said to cure all kinds of diarrhea. For rheumatism, roasted rhizome is pounded and mixed with oil and applied locally. For sore throat and hoarseness, warm decoction of the rhizome is drunk as ginger tea (salabat); piece of small rhizome chewed for the same. Rhizome used as cough remedy, rubefacient, carminative and diuretic. Also used for hangovers. For chronic rheumatism, ginger infusion ( 2 drams in 6 ounces of boiling water and strained) is taken at bedtime Poulticed of pounded and warmed leaves applied to bruises. Ginger taken with rock salt before meals is said to clean the tongue and throat and increase the appetite. Chewing ginger is said to diminish biliousness and delirium, relieve sore throat, hoarseness and aphonia, and increases the flow of saliva. Dried ginger used as corrective adjunct to purgatives to prevent nausea and intestinal pain. Juice from fresh ginger in gradually increasing doses is a strong diuretic in cases of general dropsy. For headaches: Ginger plaster (bruised ginger in water to the consistency of poultice) is applied to the forehead. Same preparation may be helpful for toothaches and facial pain. Hot infusion used for stoppage of menses due to cold. In Indo-China, cataplasm used for furuncles; when mixed with oil is antirheumatic. Rhizomes also used for tuberculosis, general fatigue and uterine affections. In Perak, rhizomes used as vermifuge. In the Antilles powdered rhizome used as revulsive for pleuritis. In Ayurvedic medicine, used for inflammation and rheumatism. In India, used as carminative adjunct along with black pepper and long pepper. In Chinese folk medicine, pulverized fresh ginger used for baldness and vitiligo. Juice from fresh root used for treatment of burns. New uses â⬠¢ Motion Sickness / Pregnancy-related Nausea: Antiemetic properties. Used for Nausea, motion sickness (1 gm taken 1/2 hour before the voyage). Stimulates digestion. Possibly antiinflammatory. Preparations â⬠¢ Ginger tea Ginger tea preparation, the Chinese way : Bring one cup of water to boil. Add one teaspoon of the roasted (parched and browned) rice and a small piece of ginger root. Boil for one minute. Let stand to cool for drinking. (Preparation of dried rice: Pour enough water to cover 1/2 cup white rice in a flat dish; and let stand overnight. In the morning, drain off the excess water. Roast the rice in a dry pan, stirring constantly until parched and brown. Store in a glass jar for future use, tightly covered to keep moisture out. ) â⬠¢ Ginger lozenges â⬠¢ Wash and peel the ginger, then mince. â⬠¢ Spread and air-dry for a day or oven-dry at 250 C. â⬠¢ Grind and strain the dried ginger. â⬠¢ In a mortar, mix 1 cup ground ginger and 1 cup confectioners sugar. â⬠¢ Pound and mix while gradually adding water until a pulp is formed. â⬠¢ Level the pulp on a board lined with wax paper. â⬠¢ Using a mold, make balls from the pulp and wrap each lozenge in aluminum foil. MALUNGGAY- Scientific name: Moringga oleifera English name: Horse raddish The leaves of this plant proved to be a good source of calcium, iron, ascorbic acid and phosphorus. Its other parts such as the seeds, the young pods, and the flowers have been established to benefit individuals as far as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, circulatory stimulations, and such other activities that are most beneficial to mankind, are concerned. USE AND PREPARATION: Aside from boiling,There are malunggay capsules that are now available in the market, which contain 250mg dried young leaves of the malunggay plant. Decoction of leaves used for hiccups, asthma, gout, back pain, rheumatism, wounds and sores. Young leaves, usually boiled, used to increase the flow of breast milk. Pods for intestinal parasitism. Leaves and fruit used for constipation. Decoction of boiled roots used to wash sores and ulcers. Decoction of the bark used for excitement, restlessness. In India pounded roots used as poultice for inflammatory swelling. Flowers used for catarrh, with young leaves or young pods. In Nicaragua decoction of roots used for dropsy. Roots have been used as abortifacient. In India, bark is used as abortifacient. Decoction of root-bark used as fomentation to relieve spasms; also, for calculous affections. Gum, mixed with sesamum oil, used for relief of earaches. Same, also reported as abortifacient. In Java, gum used for intestinal complaints. Roots chewed and applied to snake bites. Decoction of roots is considered antiscorbutic; also used in delirious patients. Juice of roots is used for otalgia. Bark used as rubefacient remedy. Decoction of roots is use as gargle for hoarseness and sore throat. Leaves used as purgative. Chewing of leaves used in gonorrhea to increase urine flow. Fresh roots used as stimulant and diuretic. Seeds for hypertension, gout, asthma, hiccups, and as a diuretic. Rheumatic complaints: Decoction of seeds; or, powdered roasted seeds applied to affected area. Juice of the root with milk used for asthma, hiccups, gout, lumbago. Poultice of leaves applied for glandular swelling. Pounded fresh leaves mixed with coconut oil applied to wounds and cuts. The flowers boiled with soy milk thought to have aphrodisiac quality. Root is rubefacient and plaster applied externally as counterirritant. In West Bengal, India, roots taken by women, esp prostitutes, for permanent contraception (Studies have shown total inactivation or suppression of the reproductive system). In African savannah, used in the treatment of rheumatic and articular pains. Others â⬠¢ Dye: In Jamaica the wood is used for dyeing blue color. â⬠¢ Oil: known as ben oil, extracted from flowers can be used as illuminant, ointment base, and absorbent in the enfleurage process of extracting volatile oils from flowers. |With ointments, the oil allows longer shelf life without undergoing oxidation. The oil, applied locally, has also been helpful for arthritic pains, rheumatic and gouty joints. Breast feeding women â⬠¢ Malunggay leaves and pods are helpful in increasing breast milk in the breast-feeding months. One tablespoon of leaf powder provide 14% of the protein, 40% of the calcium, 23% of the iron and most of the vitamin A needs of a child aged one to three. Six tablespoons of leaf powder will provide nearly all of the womans daily iron and calcium needs during pregnancy and breast-feeding. NIYOG-NYUGAN Scientific name: Quisqualis indica English name:Dhinese Honeysuckle, Kasumbal (Bik. ), Tangulo (Bik. ), Tanglon (Bik. ), Tangolo (Tag. , Bik. ) By eating ,matured dried seeds niyog-niyugan eliminates intestinal worms, Thrichina and Ascaris. USE AND PREPARATION: Use only mature seeds, dried and newly cracked nut. Adult, 8-10 seeds 7-12 years old, 6-7 seeds 6-8 years old, 5-6 seeds 4-5 years old, 4-5 seeds. â⬠¢ Anthelmintic: Dried seeds preferable for deworming. â⬠¢ Adults: Dried nuts-chew 8 to 10 small- to medium-sized dried nuts two hours after a meal, as a single dose, followed by a half glass of water. If fresh nuts are used, chew only 4-5 nuts. Hiccups occur more frequently with the use of fresh nuts. â⬠¢ Children 3-5 years old: 4-5 dried nuts; 6 8 years old: 5-6 dried nuts; 9-12 years old: 6-7 dried nuts. â⬠¢ Roasted seeds for diarrhea and fever. â⬠¢ Plant used as a cough cure. â⬠¢ Leaves applied to the head to relieve headaches. â⬠¢ Pounded leaves externally for skin diseases. â⬠¢ Decoction of boiled leaves used for dysuria. â⬠¢ Ifugao migrants use it for headache. â⬠¢ Ripe seeds roasted and used for diarrhea and fever. Caution Adverse reactions diarrhea, abdominal pain, distention and hiccups are more likely if nuts are eaten in consecutive days or when fresh nuts are eaten. OREGANO Scientific name: Origanum vulgare English name: Sweet marjoram It has anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties which help eases cough,asthma , upset stomach and prevents arthritis and osteoarthritis. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil fresh leaves for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day for common colds. For a concentrate, juice the oregano leaves and take 1 tablespoon every hour to relieve chronic coughs, rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, and dyspepsia. In the Philippines, macerated fresh leaves applied externally to burns. à · Leaves are bruised and applied to centipede and scorpion bites. Also, applied to temples and forehead for headache, help in place by a bandage. à · Leaves in infusion or as syrup used as aromatic and carminative; used for dyspepsia and also as a cure for asthma. à · The Malays used the plant juice or decoction for pains around the areas of the heart or abdomen. à · Decoction of leaves given after childbirth. à · In Indo-China, given for asthma and bronchitis. à · The juice of the leaves for dyspepsia, asthma, chronic coughs, bronchitis, colic, flatulence, rheumatism. The dose is one tablespoonful of the fresh juice every hour for adults and one teaspoonful every two hours, four times daily, for children. As an infusion, 50 to 60 grams to a pint of boiling water, and drink the tea, 4 to 5 glasses a day. For children, 1/2 cup 4 times daily. à · For otalgia (ear aches), pour the fresh, pure juice into the ear for 10 minutes. à · For carbuncles, boils, sprains, felons, painful swellings: Apply the poultice of leaves to the affected area, four times daily. à · For sore throats, a decoction of two tablespoonfuls of dried leaves to a pint of boiling water, taken one hour before or after meals. à · In India, leaves are used traditionally for bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, epilepsy, nephro-cystolithiasis, fever, indigestion and cough. Also used for malarial fever, hepatopathy, renal and vesicle calculi, hiccup, helminthiasis, colic, and convulsions. à · The Chinese used the juice of leaves with sugar, for cough in children, asthma and bronchitis, epilepsy and convulsive disorders. à · Leaves are applied to cracks at the corners of the mouth, for thrush, headaches; against fever as a massage or as a wash. à · Used for bladder and urinary afflictions, and vaginal discharges. à · Used as carminative, given to children for colic. à · In Bengal, used for coli and dyspepsia. à · Expressed juice applied around the orbit to relieve conjunctival pain. Others à · Fresh leaves rubbed on clothing or hair at the time of bathing for its scent. Recent uses and preparations Respiratory ailments like cough, asthma and bronchitis: Squeeze juice of the leaves. Take one teaspoon every hour for adults. For children above 2 years old, 3 to 4 teaspoons a day. PANSIT- PANSITAN Scientific name: Peperomia pellucida English name: Treat arthritis, gout, skin disorders, abdominal pains and kidney problems. USE AND PREPARATION: Salad: Wash 1 1/2 glasses of fresh mature leaves thoroughly. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Decoction: Wash the leaves thoroughly and chop into pieces. Boil 2 glasses of chopped leaves with 4 glasses of water for 15 minutes in low fire without cover. Cool and strain. Drink 1/3 glass after every meal, or 3x a day. Infusion and decoction of leaves and stems are used for gout and arthritis. Decoction of leaves used for urinary tract infections. Externally, as a facial rinse for complexion problems. In Ayurveda, used to pacify vitiated cough, pitta, constipation, kidney diseases, urinary retention, dysuria, urinary tract infection, emaciation, edema and general weakness. (15) Pounded whole plant used as warm poultice for boils, pustules and pimples. In Jamaica and the Caribbean used for colds and as a diuretic for kidney problems. In South America, solution of fresh juice of stem and leaves used for eye inflammation. Infusion and decoction of leaves and stems used for gout and arthritis. (15) In Brazil, used for abscesses and conjunctivitis. In Bolivia, decoction of roots used for fever; aerial parts for wounds. In Bangladesh, leaves used in the treatment of excited mental disorders. In Africa, used for convulsions and tumors. Used for headaches, rheumatic pains, impotence. In Brazil, used to lower cholesterol; for treatment of abscesses, furuncles and conjunctivitis New uses Belongs to the preferred list of Philippine medicinal plants, being studied for its use in the treatment of arthritis and gout. For arthritis: Leaves and stems of the fresh plant may be eaten as salad. Or, as an infusion, put a 20-cm plant in 2 glasses of boiling water; and 1/2 cup of this infusion is taken morning and evening. SAMBONG Scientific name: Blumea balsamifera English name: Blumea Camphora, Lakdanbulan (Bis. ) Treat kidney disorders, colds, fever, rheumatism, hypertension and other ailments. As a diuretic, it helps in the excretion of urinary stones. USE AND PREPARATION: Boil leaves, drink like tea 3x a day. Leaves as poultice for abscesses. Decoction of roots and leaves for fevers, kidney stones, and cystitis. Decoction of leaves used to induced diuresis for purpose of treating kidney stones. Sitz-bath of boiled leaves, 500 gms to a gallong of water, for rheumatic pains of waist and back. Used in upper and lower respiratory tract affections like sinusitis, asthmatic bronchitis, influenza. Applied while hot over the sinuses. Used for wounds and cuts. Fresh juice of leaves to wounds and cuts. Poultice of leaves applied to the forehead for relief of headaches. Tea is used for colds and as an expectorant; likewise, has antispasmodic and antidiarrheal benefits. Postpartum baths. In Vietnam, decoction of fresh leaves used for cough and influenza or as inhalation of vapour from boiling of leaves. In Thailand, dried leaves are chopped, made into cigarettes and smoked for treating sinusitis. For fever, leaves boiled and when lukewarm used as sponge bath. Decoction of roots used for fever. Decoction of leaves, 50 gms to a pint of boiling water, 4 glasses daily, for stomach pains. In SE Asia widely used for various women problems. Postpartum, leaves are used in hot fomentation over the uterus to induce rapid involution. Also used for menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, functional uterine bleeding and leucorrhea. Roots used for menorrhage. Decoction of roots and leaves used for rheumatism and arthritis; also used for treatment of post-partum joint pains. Poultice of fresh leaves applied to affected joint. In Chinese and Thai medicine, leaves used for treatment of septic wounds and other infections. A sitz-bath of boiled leaves used in the treatment of lumbago and sciatica. Preparations â⬠¢ Fever: decoction of roots; boil 2 4 handfuls of the leaves. Use the lukewarm decoction as a sponge bath. â⬠¢ Headaches: apply pounded leaves on the forehead and temples. Hold in place with a clean piece of cloth. â⬠¢ Gas distention: boil 2 tsp of the chopped leaves in 1 cup of water for 5 minutes. Drink the decoction while warm. Also used for upset stomach. â⬠¢ Postpartum, for mothers bath after childbirth. â⬠¢ Boils: Apply pounded leaves as poultice daily. â⬠¢ Diuretic: Boil 2 tbsp chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Take 1/2 of the decoction after every meal, 3 times a day. Camphor cultivation â⬠¢ Can be cultivated as a source of camphor. Experiments in China produced 50,000 kilos of leaves per hectare, with a possible borneol yield of 50-200 kilos per hectare. L-borneol is easily oxidized to camphor. source New applications As a diuretic and for dissolution of renal stones. As a diuretic in hypertension and fluid retention. Also used for dissolution of kidney stones. Some clinical studies, including double blind/placebo randomized studies, have shown encouraging results for Sambong to be both safe and effective in the treatment of kidney stones and hypertension. The National Kidney and Transplant Institute has promoted the use of this herbal medicine for many renal patients to avert or delay the need for dialysis or organ transplantation. Being promoted by the Department of Health (DOH) as a diuretic and for dissolution of renal stones. One of a few herbs recently registered with the Bureau of Foods and Drugs as medicines. Other benefits Possible benefits in use patients with elevated cholesterol and as an analgesic for postoperative dental pain. GUYABANO Nutritional Value of Guyabano Guyabano fruit is high in carbohydrates, particularly fructose. The fruit also contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. 5 leaves per glass of 8 oz. 3 x a day for 30 days 30 minutes before meals or 1 ? hours after meals REST for 10 days reduce little by little before stopping Remember: Sip tea little by little for best effect; Avoid the use of straw for tea or any kind of fluid; There is no substitute for water Uses of concoction prepared from pulverized guyabano seeds As skin astringent Treat muscle spasms Treat dysentery To purge parasites such as bedbugs and head lice Uses of concoction prepared from guyabano leaves As sudorific or to cause one to sweat As an agent to cause vomiting (emetic) As tranquilizer and sedative To treat head lice and bedbugs and other parasites To treat inflammation Treatment for eczema and skin diseases Treatment of catarrh or inflammation of mucous membrane in the respiratory tract. Treatment of pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, rheumatism Uses of concoction of bark, roots and leaves To treat diabetes As tranquilizer and sedative
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